CNN: Black In America

99th NAACP Annual Convention

The 99th NAACP Annual Convention is being held in Cincinnati, Ohio, from July 12-17, 2008. Catch live coverage of the convention at

For more information on the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), visit


Hitting newsstands on July 21st, The New Yorker Magazine cover displays caricatures of Sen. Barack and Michelle Obama. Displaying Sen. Obama as a Muslim and Michelle Obama carrying a gun and fist-pounding Barack- the cover is generating much publicity.

"The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama's right-wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree" said Obama spokesman Bill Burton in a statement.

Sen. John McCain also issued a statement regarding the cover of the magazine. Campaign spokesman Tucker Bounds, expressed in an email statement, "We completely agree with the Obama campaign, it’s tasteless and offensive.”

Is the new cover simply a satirical commentary on the attempts by the right to portray Sen. Barack Obama as a Muslim and unpatriotic liberal? Or, is the cover a tasteless attempt to further scare voters before November's general election?

Let us know what you think?

I am a little apprehensive about commenting on the latest media blitz regarding comments made by Rev. Jesse Jackson in reference to Sen. Obama's stance on the personal responsibility of Americans in addressing the many challenges faced by our society. However, I think that both persons are, yet again, being exploited and mistreated by major media outlets.

Do not allow yourself to be convinced that there is a major conflict between these two great leaders of our nation. Also, let us not diminish the great civil rights work of Rev. Jesse Jackson because of his latest remarks.
Sen. Obama has consistently stated that we, as Americans, may not agree with every decision that he makes as President of the United States but that we would always have the opportunity to express our disagreement and move forward in solving the problems of our communities.
Rev. Jackson may have used colourful language (who hasn't?) while expressing his disagreement with Sen. Obama's take on faith based initiatives and the role of government in dealing with social issues- but his message is one that has been a point of debate between black leaders for years.
At the heart of the issue is a difference in opinion regarding the role of personal responsibility and government accountability in solving the many social ills of the black community and even more broadly, the American community. Nearly 100 years ago, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois differed on the appropriate course of action to move the black race forward. Washington believed that hard work, personal responsibility, and economic advancement were the keys to moving the race forward. Contrary to the beliefs of Washington, DuBois believed that political activism and holding our government accountable (supporting social programs) was necessary to propel the race forward.
Let us not allow ourselves to be distracted from the task at hand. As leaders of today and leaders of the future, it is our time to stand up and step up for change. We must learn from our great history and synergize the ideas of Washington, DuBois, Jackson, Obama and many other leaders of this nation into a meaningful program of action!

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